
  • Akhmad Riduwan Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia (STIESIA) Surabaya



earnings response coefficient, interperiod tax allocation, deferred tax income, deferred tax expenses


The objective of this study is to examine: (1) the difference of stock price change in the period before and after PSAK No.46 was implemented; (2) the effect of interperiod tax allocation based on PSAK No.46 on the earning response coefficient  (ERC); and (3) the ERC difference between companies which reported deferred tax income and companies which reported deferred tax expenses.

The result of this study provide empirical evidence that: (1) stock price change in the period after implementing of the PSAK No.46 are higher than the period before the PSAK No.46 was implemented; (2) interperiod tax allocation based on the PSAK No.46 have negative effects on the ERC; and (3) earnings response coefficient (ERC) for companies which reported deferred tax income were not differ from companies which reported deferred tax expenses. The result of this study indicate that interperiod tax allocation based on the PSAK No.46 was succesfully improve the income statement informativeness and earnings quality. However, interperiod tax allocation based on the PSAK No.46 generate perceive noise embedded in the reported earnings. Therefore, additional disclosures are needed, particularly for economic substance of deferred tax income and deferred tax expenses reported in income statement.


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