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Article Writing System
1. Title
The title should be written briefly in a maximum of 12 words in English and typed in capital letters, in font type of Book Antiqua size 12, and center-aligned without ending with a full stop.
2. Name of author, email, and institution
The author's name (without academic degree), email address, and institution name are below the article title. If a team writes the manuscript, the editor only deals with the primary author whose name is listed first.
3. Abstract and keywords
The abstract should be in English and Indonesian with a word count of 150-200 concisely and clearly. It addresses the research problem, objectives, methods, results, and conclusions. Keywords consist of 3-5 words, written in one space after the abstract.
4. Introduction
The introduction includes a background description, problem formulation, and research objectives.
5. Theoretical Review
The theoretical review contains descriptions of previous theories and research as the basis for developing hypotheses (if any) and research models.
6. Research Method
The research method involves the types of research and descriptions of the population (objects) of research, sampling techniques, data collection techniques, variables and operational definitions of variables (study unit for qualitative research), and analysis techniques.
7. Analysis and Discussion
The analysis and discussion section elaborates on research data analysis and a discussion of research findings.
8. Conclusions and Suggestions.
The section reveals research conclusions, suggestions, and research limitations.
9. Reference
Each article must contain a bibliography (only those that serve as sources of citations) arranged alphabetically based on the author's last name or the institution's name. The referenced bibliography is perceived for the last seven years, except for references that are important and unavoidable, with the proportion of primary literature in the form of journals of at least 81% and 19% from secondary reference source.
Writing Format
1. The article is typed using Microsoft Word with Book Antiqua font size 11 and single-spaced line spacing on A4 paper.
2. The paper margins are each 2.5 cm on the left, right, top, and bottom sides.
3. The article's length ranges from 15-20 pages, including a bibliography.
4. All pages, with the bibliography and attachments, must be numbered sequentially.
Table and Figure
1. Each table should be numbered. Its full title should be placed above the table. While for figures, the serial number and title are placed below the image, along with the source of the quote, using Book Antiqua font size 9 in bold.
2. Images must be in black and white printable form.
3. The table does not use column lines.
4. Presenting mathematics and statistics formulas.
5. Mathematics and statistics formulas and notations are written in italics.
The procedures for writing references are as follows:
1. Presenting the list of references.
Should include all the sources used in the article.
a. The references should be from publications of the latest seven years and minimally 81% of them are taken from primary references (Jurnals and Patents) and 19% of them are taken from secondary references (text book, etc).
b. The list of references should be arranged alphabetically according to authors’ last names (without academic degrees).
c. Utilize a reference manager application such as Mendeley.
d. Quotation source and list of references should comply with the system of American Psychological Association (APA).
2. Presenting Quotation source.
a. Single author.
Accompanied by author’s last name followed by year of publication.
- Example of quotation source for short direct quotation:
Sebastian (2022) stated that “ ”.
- Example of quotation source for indirect quotation:
A study on (Sebastian, 2023).
b. Two authors.
Accompanied by last names of the two authors, followed by year of publication, for example:
- Sebastian and George (2023) proved that ..........
- The formation of human resources (Sebastian & George, 2023).
c. Three to five authors.
The first mention is accompanied by all the authors’ last names, the following mentions is only accompanied by the first author’s last name followed by et al., for example:
- First mention: Sebastian, George, and Mignon (2022) stated that ..........
- Following mentions: Sebastian et al. (2022) proposed that ..........
d. Six or more authors
Accompanied by first author’s last name followed by et al. and year of publication, for example:
- George et al. (2022) suggested that ..........
e. Quotation source of more than one authors uses “and”, and uses the symbol “&” when presented in brackets, table, picture, and the list of references.
3. Text Book
a. Text Book with one author
Ridley, D., 2012. The literature review: a step-by-step guide for students. 2nd ed. London: SAGE.b. Book with two authors
Adams, R.J., Weiss, T.D. and Coatie, J.J., 2010. The World Health Organisation, its history and impact. London: Perseus.
4. Paper from Seminar, workshop, and training (Proceeding).
Head G. (2004). Adapting Insect Resistance Management Strategy for Transgemic Bt Crops to Developing World Needs. Proceedings of International Seminar on Advanced Agricultural Engineering and Farm Work Operation, Bogor: 25-26 August 2004. Page 16-20.
5. Thesis, dissertation, research report.
Johnson, T. L. (2011). Information in options markets. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Uni- versity of Stanford, Stanford.
6. Institution official document.
Bursa Efek Indonesia. (2020). Directory of the Indonesian Capital Market: Supporting institutions and supporting professionals. Jakarta: Bursa Efek Indonesia.
7. Internet
Strauss, J. (2011). Global growth hits soft patch, expected to rebound. Retrieved November 18, 2013, from
Article Submission
1. Articles submitted to the e-journal website include name, email address, and institution name.
2. Articles to be published must pass the plagiarism test/turn-it-in, a maximum of 20%.
3. Plagiarism Check Result (by Turnitin or others), and Proofreading Result (by Grammarly or others) from Ekuitas.
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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