
  • Indrianawati Usman Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Airlangga
  • Rizky Adhitya Arnando Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Airlangga



Sales Promotion, Trial, Repurchase, Fear of Losing Face


This paper examines the influence of sales promotion related to trial which is moderated by fear of losing face and influence of trial related to repurchase in Sogo Department Store Surabaya. The variables used in this reseach are sales promotion (X), fear of losing face (Z­1), trial (Z2), and repurchase (Y). The result indicates that the effect of sales promotion on trial is weak when fear of losing face is perceived.  In other words, perceived fear of losing face reduces customers’ sensitivity to the trial. The second result indicates that trial is related to repurchase.


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