
  • Dhian Tyas Untari Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya
  • Dudung Darusman Prodi Manajemen Ekowisata Dan Jasa Lingkungan, IPB
  • Joko Prihatno Dosen Prodi Manajemen Ekowisata Dan Jasa Lingkungan, IPB
  • Harnios Arief Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup Dan Kehutanan Indonesia



Betawi Culinary, Strategy, Jakarta, Pairwise compaling


Betawi is a reflection of the acculturation process of several tribes in Indonesia and even some nations in the world. But in fact, the existence of Betawi Culinary Culture is now starting eroded by the concept of modernization. Culinary is one of the cultural products of a society, as well as Betawi Culinary. Where  now aday Betawi Culinary is not a superior culinary in Jakarta. Thus it is necessary  to made a business revitalization strategy in developing traditional culinary (Betawi) in Jakarta. Thus in general purpose of the research is to build Betawi Culinary development strategy in Jakarta, so the Traditional Betawi Culinari, will clasified on 3 classification; Familiar Culinary, Recall Culinary and Past Known Culinary. Quantitaive Metode used; EFAS/IFAS matrix, Grand Matris and SWOT. Pairwise comparing and  eigenfactor score used as a referral  to giving equal weight on EFAS/ IFAS matrix. Result of the study show that cross-sectoral coordination, Strengthening the marketing system and increase the economic value of Betawi Culinary are needed to increasing the existence of culinary betawi in global market. The results expected to be reference for any relevant agencies in develomping traditional culinary as a culture product.


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