
  • Sri Haryani Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Manajemen YKPN Yogyakarta



entrepreneur, entrepreneurial growth, entrepreneurial environment


The emerge and growth of entrepreneurs are  expected to reduce unemployment and increase the prosperity.  The research objective  is to analyze the effect of  entrepreneurial environment (government policies and procedures, socio-economic conditions, skill of entrepreneurial and business, financial assistance, and non-financial assistance) to the growth of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial environment conducive expected to bring new entrepreneurs and develop existing entrepreneurs. Data were collected by a questionnaire distributed to 66 SMEs in Sleman. The sampling method using purposive sampling, while data analysis using SPSS 17.00. In this research, test instruments include the validity and reliability test, the results show that the entire statement item valid and reliable. Normality test, multicollinearity, and heteroscedasticity showed normal distribution of data, between independent variables does not occur multicollinearity problems, and found none problem heteroscedasticity. It can be concluded that the fators that affecting entrepreneurial growth in Sleman is socio-economic conditions, entrepreneurship and business skills, and financial assistance.


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